1521 Ocean Blvd, Topsail Beach, NC 28445
1521 Ocean Blvd, Topsail Beach, NC 28445
We provide dog poo bags AND trashcans. We welcome dogs. However he or she is YOUR dog. We will only ask a guest one time to pick up after their dog. After this we will have the guest leave the property. No refund will be given and we make no exceptions. Thank you for picking up after your dog. (We know!!!....this is common sense sorry!)
Please remember that dogs....yes, even yours, MUST be on a leash at all times when on Motel Property.
For information on the TOWN'S leash law...you can go to:
(The Town "Leash Free" dates do not apply to our leash requirements since we are private property...we require a leash at all times (on the dog)
We are not being difficult or trying to be funny about it when we ask you to leash your hound...my little Brownie always is on her leash....please remember it is for everyone's safety...most importantly, your fur babies. So please...leash your hound!
How hot can the sand get on the beach?....for you?....the kids?....AND THE DOG??!!! A must read for anyone bringing anyone to Sea Vista!
Please help keep Sea Vista a Dog Friendly Destination by picking up after your pet. If you see someone's dog squat and run....please let the office team know discreetly and we shall accidently tie a supply of dog poop bags to the offending puppy's room door handle.
Thank you for for picking up your dog's poo! :-)
If your fur baby is a yapper or suffers from separation anxiety...please do not leave your dog alone in the room. Excessive barking disturbs other guests and we will have to ask you to take care of it, and that's never fun...plus it stresses out your fur baby as well...So, if your dog barks when you are not around....DO NOT leave your dog alone in your room.
He/She is your best friend. The sand on the beach can be blistering hot in the summer. If it is too warm for your feet, it IS definitely TOO HOT for your hound. Please think twice about pegging your dog out without at least as much cover if not more than you have.
Bring plenty of water on the beach for your dog. If you do not have a water bowl, come to the office. We will make something work for you
Remember, your dog panting is it's way of sweating. Darker or longer furred dogs can suffer tremendously from heat exhaustion if exposed even for short amounts of time. Likewise, very short haired breeded dogs will burn very quickly.
In July and August it can easily be over 130 degrees sand temperature. FYI, you can fry an egg at 135.
That is hot enough to burn your puppy's pads. Please...blanket and shade goes for the puppy as well especially after May and before October.
USE THE SEVEN SECOND RULE....place the back of your hand on the sand or blacktop for seven seconds...If it is too hot for you...it is already way to hot for them to be exposed to the sun.
Thank you!
It is very easy to assume that your Best Friend is having a great time on the beach....but remember that Dogs cannot sweat like you and I to stay cool...and they cannot tell you how they are feeling. Play it smart...if you are sweating, it is probably too hot for your dog to be outside. If your Dog is panting....they are sweating! Give them shade and fresh water MINIMUM....anytime you are sitting out on the beach!
Read this great article on your best friend and how they deal with heat....